NIS2 Release Date

Find out how much time you have left to become compliant with NIS2.

When Does NIS2 Go In Effect?

The NIS2 directive is a landmark piece of European cybersecurity legislation. Its release date marks a turning point for European companies and organization in terms of their cybersecurity posture and obligations. This page details the official NIS2 release and maps out a timeline of the Directive’s legislative process.

The Official NIS2 release Date

The deadline for Member States to transpose the NIS2 Directive into applicable, national law is 17 October 2024.

This is a crucial deadline for businesses, as failure to comply with the NIS2 directive can result in severe consequences, including financial penalties and damage to reputation. It it therefore essential that companeis are fully prepared and compliant before the deadline date.

NIS2 Timeline

Use this timeline to stay informed on the Directive’s progress, deadlines and events, and plan accordingly.


NIS1 adopted


Deadline for Member States to transpose NIS1 into national law


European Commission launches consultation on NIS reform


European Commission publishes proposal for NIS2


European Parliament adopts its negotiating poosition


First round of trilogue negotiations


Second round of trilogue negotiations


Political agreement reached


European parliament votes to adopt NIS2


NIS2 approved by the Council of the EU


NIS2 published in the Official Journal


Journal signed by co-legislators


NIS2 entered into force


Deadline for Member States to transpose NIS2 into national law

Get NIS2 Complaint (Whitepaper):

Time is running out to comply with NIS2 regulations. Starting your compliance journey sooner rather than later is crucial.

A typical NIS2 compliance process, including security assessments, auditing, consulting, and tool implementation, takes approximately 12 months.

For practical advice on how to comply with the requirements, check out our NIS2 white paper.

NIS2 White Paper